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Amy Corp, Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Department Texas A&M University-Commerce
Current Academic Responsibilities I teach undergraduate students in our online paraprofessional teacher certification program and graduate students in early childhood and elementary classes (ECE Curriculum- Science, Math, Social Studies, and EDCI Math Curriculum 1-8). Additionally, I supervise teacher candidates in the field for internship and residency. The focus of my current research is developing curriculum literacy in teacher education. I am currently piloting an assessment tool for analyzing curriculum literacy by residents in teaching mathematics lessons.
Recent accomplishments Designed and implemented an online seminar specifically designed to be competency-based for paraprofessional that are also interns or residents in student teaching (all teaching certifications). Completing two years with the US PREP organization in designing and testing an assessment for curriculum literacy in teacher education.
Service to SSMA and other professional organizations I first attended SSMA as a graduate student at Baylor University through Sandi Cooper and Trena Wilkerson (2013) and have presented every year (but one) since then. I have reviewed proposals for multiple conferences. I review articles for SSMA publication since 2017. I worked with Gil Naizer on the conference in Little Rock, AR. doing whatever he needed. In 2019, I received the Early Career Scholar Award from SSMA. I also served on the Membership Committee.
Currently I also review publications in the area of teaching elementary mathematics for theCurriculum & Teaching Dialogue, the publication of AATC.
Your vision for SSMA I believe SSMA is the premier organization for dissemination of studies concerning current issues and innovations in teaching science and mathematics. My vision would be for our organization to have a greater voice in the media to influence public opinion on learning science and mathematics. I believe SSMA conferences offer fertile ground for new and veteran educators to network with others for researching new and innovative strategies for student learning. My vision for the SSMA conference would be to designate specific time for conference participants to network with others on common research topics. Perhaps Whova could be utilized to share research topics before the conference and then spaces (at the conference) could be designated by topics for discussion and collaboration. These collaborations could lead to studies, presentations and publications furthering our understanding of teaching and learning in school science and mathematics. |