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Kate Raymond, Assistant Professor Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum University of Oklahoma
Current Academic Responsibilities I am currently the Mathematics Education Program Co-coordinator at the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education. In this role, I teach mathematics methods courses to undergraduates in early childhood, elementary, and secondary mathematics certification programs, as well as oversee secondary mathematics field placements and teacher internships. Additionally, I contribute teaching to our graduate programs and currently chair multiple students at both the doctoral and master’s levels. The focus of my research is empowering both students and teachers in mathematics classrooms through increasing voice and choice in classroom contexts, incorporating social justice mathematics, and developing teachers to serve as strong advocates for education.
Recent accomplishments Junior Faculty Award, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, 2022 University Representative, Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2022-2024 Secretary, Provost’s Advisory Committee on Women’s Issues, University of Oklahoma 2022-2023 Chair, Ed Cline Faculty Development Awards Committee, 2022
Service to SSMA and other professional organizations I began attending SSMA in 2015 as a graduate student at the encouragement of my advisor, Stacy Reeder. In 2015 I helped to organize and review proposals for the annual convention, which was held in Oklahoma City. I have presented at SSMA every year since. Additionally, I have served on the Membership Committee and am currently serving on the Finance Committee and continued to serve as a proposal reviewer for the annual convention. For other professional organizations, I have served on the Executive Board of the Oklahoma Council of teachers of Mathematics since 2020. In that time, I served as Advocacy Co-Chair and am currently serving as the University Representative. I have also served on the Conference Committee for the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Finally, I serve as a reviewer for several professional journals, including Educational Studies in Mathematics and Investigation in Mathematics Learning.
My vision for SSMA Education is at the forefront of political debate, both within the United States and abroad. Educators are cast both as inept and as dangerous indoctrinators. While SSMA focuses research and practices on principles of equity and justice and developing strong teachers who share this focus, we can and should do more to support and defend educators and education. Our educational focus need not be limited to educating the next generation of teachers, but should be broadened to include more concerted efforts to educate administrators, policy-makers, and the populace at large. There is a need for public advocacy, and to develop future teachers and administrators who are empowered to engage in public advocacy as well. I envision creating and working with teams of interested members to envision and implement initiatives that would support members’ advocacy efforts and develop strategies for empowering STEM educators to publicly advocate for equitable research-based practices. |